“In His Image” A Poem for Emily
When a life is destined to be born within His plan,
We never seem to think His thoughts, but just the thoughts of man.
We ask that nothing will go wrong and mess up what we dream,
We pray that all will go as planned in everything we scheme.
We think of future days to come of what this child will be,
But it never is within “our” plan for abnormalities.
Though these thoughts that many think were present in our mind,
He began to open up our eyes that are so blind.
Did He not say that He has made us in His image fair,
And knows our thoughts afar off and has counted every hair?
Was the Psalmist speaking from a human point of view
When he noted that God knew us in the womb where life was new?
Could God be named a liar when He sent our special child,
With fear and wonder was she not made so precious, meek, and mild?
Or did God plan that in our lives convenience ours could be
If only we had known about the birth anomaly?
Oh, Father, how ashamed we are to think we could be God,
And choose whose life is worthy upon this earth to trod!
Thank you for sending Emily, so Your glory will abound,
For You have chosen “foolish things” to make the wise confound!
Written by Brenda A. Ford copyright December 1990 All rights reserved
This poem was written when Emily was only 6 weeks old. We were told we should abort any future pregnancies if they happened to be Down Syndrome. After leaving the doctor’s appointment, I turned my anger into the above poem. I knew that God would glorify Himself through the “foolish things” of this world. And He has! :0)
-Brenda :0)