Quilting and the World
March 13, 2017
We are living in a very interesting, but often scary time in this world. We watch with sadness as nation against nation and brother against brother escalates. Some wonder if peace will ever come. We all long for world peace…and peace will eventually come…but maybe not in the way many expect.
And though we are living in a terrifying age, it is also exciting. Many authors wrote down future events and how they would come to pass. These writings were compiled in a single book…which is the most loved and the most hated book in the world…the Bible. Today we are seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled almost daily!
You might wonder what this has to do with quilting. Here is that answer. When a quilt is made, perfectly good fabric is cut apart into pieces. Sort of like what is happening all over the world. But the quilter takes those pieces, carefully makes a beautiful design, and sews the pieces back together again. When the quilt top, batting, and backing are put together, the entire thing is stitched ever so tightly together. The end result is beautiful! And it brings great comfort to the recipient.
One day Jesus will make all things new, and peace will come. The stitching of His time will also make all things beautiful. But in the meantime, if you need some stitching to close up gaping wounds in your life, God is there. Cast your care on Him. He cares for you.