One day I asked my daughter Emily, who is blessed with Down syndrome, if she would like to write a book with me about her and her favorite stuffed animal.“Yeppie to me,” was her reply. So, we began contemplating ideas for chapters, and we wrote them in a journal. Every day, we brainstormed together to write a new chapter. I often wrote down verbatim whatever Emily wanted her or her stuffed bunny to say in the book.
All the stories in this book are based on actual events or a combination of actual events. Since Emily has a unique way of expressing herself, I wanted to make sure I captured her words.
Sometimes it is hard for Emily to communicate with others because, in her excitement, she speaks very fast. But when she is alone with her bunny or other dolls, she carries on full and very clear conversations with them. By our writing a book together, Emily has a voice that might not otherwise be heard.
It is our hope that the stories in this book will not only entertain you but will also give you a glimpse into the full and accomplished life of Emily. Perhaps by reading our book, you will understand more fully the potential that lies within every person who has Down syndrome.—Brenda and Emily Ford
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A Look at the Book